Monday, July 25, 2011

Day 29 & 30

Saturday, July 23, 2011: We slept in the living room last night which meant little sleep. I woke up wanting to take a test so bad. When Jen woke I told her...she wasn't for it because she didn't want me to be depressed all weekend. I got my way and got a big fat negative. I held it together and went on with the day. We went to Pickle's 1st birthday party. Other than the sweltering heat, we had a great time catching up with The H Family and of course seeing Pickle. I almost fell apart during the slide show seeing pictures of S pregnant and newborn pictures of Pickle...that was tough. We came home and took a power nap before heading to the waterfront. We had a great dinner with A & K including a drink (Jen said maybe it would help relax that little ovum and him to attach...gosh I hope so). We headed to the waterfront (aka Dykefest...even Jen felt girlie) and waited for concert time. It was hot...that sun was blazing. We had excellent seats, I almost cried when Melissa took the stage. There was an awesome breeze and a beautiful sunset. What a great show!!! After the concert, I was ready to go home...I'd had enough of the heat and humidity but Jen wanted to go out for drinks. So we went back to the Seadog where she and K played pool and I text back and forth with friends at My Fork. Before I knew it we were talked into joining them. Jen told them I was grumpy...R said she knew how I felt and it sucked not being able to drink. It did suck...that I got a BFN on my test this was really starting to sink in that once again, it didn't work. After a little time at My Fork, we all went to Dysarts and got home around 3:00!

Sunday, July 24, 2011: I woke at 10am with a super horrible headache. I e-mailed M to let her know we wouldn't be out to her camp, Jen was asleep on the couch. I went back to bed and slept until Jen came and woke me at 3:00 to see if I was ok...just tired. I came downstairs, had some iced coffee and caught up with Jen. At 4:00 we broke into housework, Jen got groceries and made an awesome supper. I jumped in the shower then we watched a movie. After the movie I went to the bathroom...blood. My heart dropped. I didn't tell Jen...maybe it's just implantation bleeding. I literally prayed my period away when I went to bed...please give us one more Monday that is happy...we had a surge two weeks ago, got the news about the house last Monday, let's have a BFP this Monday PLEASE!!!!

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