Monday, June 27, 2011

Day 1-3....again

So, it begins. I've finished up all my school stuff, summer has started, packing is starting, and we begin the cycle of IUI again. It's strange how 1 month has gone by so much faster than the two week wait did.

I was truly inspired by a recent event to get this process up and running for sure. I attended the funeral of 4 day old, 28 week premature Alexander. It's strange how families deal with an infant death. Having been to two infant burials now, I can honestly say it's like night and day. Schuyler's was very informal and just a burial, Alex's was very by the book with visiting hours, funeral and burial. So sad. What was worse was when I went to hug D and she said "This must be so hard on you." I was speechless, she is laying her son to rest and nursing his twin brother in the NICU yet has the time to think about me. I was so inspired that I ran home, wrote out the check to CCB and readied myself to go through this process again...with Alex and his family in mind.

So, I wait patiently by the phone for the doctor's office to call in hopes that there is nothing standing in the way of the second try. This time, we tell NOBODY! If it doesn't work, no one will ask...if it does work, there will be much celebration!

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