Sunday, June 24, 2012

Up, Down, Up, Down...

So the last 4 weeks have been an absolute rollercoaster! I started weaning myself off fertilitea because we saved enough money to do one vial insemination, I just had to call the doctor. I was all prepared with my little notes on what to ask, I rejoined babycenter and after a BIG blowout not once, but twice, with Jen, it was time to put on a positive attitude and move forward.

Well, someone's post on Babycenter was basically bitching about how much the TTC process sucks for us lesbians. I chimed in and added fuel to the fire...or my fire to her inferno. Anyway, the next morning, someone had private messaged me information on a donor shipping kit. I looked into it, ran it by BJ and he was on board. Last stop...Dr. B.

The next morning I called the Dr. office, talked to the nurse and in turn she had to talk to the Dr. because she's never heard of such a thing. The return call was not what I hoped for. She said there was lots of red tape and the only way they could legally to an known donor insemination was if he walked into the office with us. She did say it was made for home insemination so go for it, they'll even supply me with vials...what we do at home is our business, not theirs., I asked her about ART vials. The return call was much more positive...she said although the sperm count was lower, there was no reason why we couldn't use those. time to bring it back to Jen.

We talked over drinks on the deck and opted for the donor kit. I ordered it right away, brewed up some tea and ordered 50pk of ovulation strips. We were back on the S.S. TTC. Needless to say, I confused S.J....she was like no tea/yes tea...WTF! Over the course of 2 days I filled her in on the new prospect and she was very happy we were going to find a way to do this.

My new cycle started, I was drinking tea, ovulation strips were here, the donor kit arrived at BJ's step, ovulation!

According to Fertility Friend we were looking at June 11-15, Period Tracker said June 20-23. I started testing June 14...nothing....15...nothing....16....nothing....17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22...nothing. Day 23 I saw a line that was not as dark as the test line but a line. Then I started to stress, we had arranged our schedules around a meeting I had in Augusta Wednesday and if the line went dark Tuesday that would make Wednesday insemination day. And I though June would be stress free! Tuesday the line went away...I thought "Oh can be positive any day but today".  However, the line never got dark, it went away altogether!

Today is CD 29....I have a feeling this month is an epic fail. All my ducks in a row, taking my fertility into my own hands and doing what I need to do and my body fails me.

I'm still trying to hold onto that bit of hope that I could still ovulate this cycle, but the way my body feels, we're done for this one. Tune in next month!

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